Saturday, March 17, 2007

I am giving a presentation at St. Joeys Place for the Veteran Wing this Friday. To that end I have extensively updated my Support Site and put up a new web site for the training session. The url's are:

http:/// (lots of links to tutorials and my Google calendar for ICR)

and (Links to the Google tool set)

The idea being, since these guys have Red Hat Linux on the Computer Room machines, and some have their own windoze pc's, a more universal and utilitarian approach to productivity apps is necessary. So I am using Google tools. You don't REQUIRE any particular OS or office app suite on your pc, the OS doesn't matter (as long as you have a web browser and an internet connex). All your data files are saved out on the net. For more on this framework see Professor Strassmann's lecture on"Data Architecture of the Future" at Google video ( and scroll down to Google: Model for the Systems Architecture of the Future and Google: A Model for the Systems Architecture of the Future for the slide show he uses in PDF format).

Check in later for details...

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