Friday, December 10, 2010

REAL History

According to the logic of the American myth, all dictators, from Oliver Cromwell to Saddam Hussein, are evil autocrats trying to destroy freedomand democracy. This is clearly not the case. They are a fundamental andnecessary part of the revolutionary transition, which leads to only one place, democratic market society.It is true that some of these dictators have gotten out of hand. This wasespecially a problem back when conquering empires was considered to beacceptable behavior. It is entirely possible that some dictators in the present and the future will also cause more trouble than they are worth. It is probably a good idea for the world to have an emergency process for the removal of revolutionary dictators that cause too much trouble. In order for such aprocess to work, the world has to understand what dictators are and why theyare here.

Theory One-

One theory, which is the conventional wisdom of modern America, is based onthe World War II experience. It says that the world is in the midst of a war between the forces of democracy and the forces of dictatorship. It equates thisto the conflict between good and evil. According to this theory, evil dictators—like Hitler, Stalin, Saddam Hussein, and their fellows—are fighting against freedom, democracy, and world peace. It comes to the conclusion that these dictators are a cancer on the world and must be destroyed in order for democracy, and all things good, to flourish.

Theory Two-

My theory is more complicated and is based on the entire flow of human history.It posits that the world is undergoing a massive revolutionary transformation of its economic, political, and social institutions. This revolution was set off by the adoption of markets as the primary mechanism for the distribution of food.Dictators are part of the revolution. War is part of the revolution.

Chaos and anarchy are part of the revolution. All of these things are temporary. They will not last forever. The end result of this revolution is democratic market society.If the democratic nations of the world are going to go out and remove dictators from office, they should at least know why dictators exist and why they are connected with violence. Here are two very different explanations. Only one of them can be correct. Which one is it? You decide.In accordance to my barely - literate friends, the graphic below will show you what I mean by a world historical, revolutionary transition through oligarchical societies to market systems - Enjoy


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