Friday, June 09, 2006

Today i formalized the most recent start-up of mine, S3D. My goal (based on hard won personal experiance) is to set up a consultancy that wiil transfer standard "best practices" used in the private sector to the social sector. This will NOT be easy, as the people working in the social services area (in general) have a level of "snarkyness" that borders on pure bitchery.

The most difficult barrier to mitigate (I don't see overcoming it, like Ceaser) is the "Not invented here" attitude of these people. Usually when i approch them with this idea of using real-world processes and procedures to enhance thier activity, I get the standard "dagger eyes" with a comment something ike "so you don't think i know what I'm doing huh?" "well FUCK YOU BUDDY!!"
Well, it's something to do


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