Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Social Deconstructionist Agenda

This is a re-post - read it anyway!

define: social deconstructionist

I’ve used this term “social deconstructionist quite a bit, and some have asked “what the hell is THAT?”. Well, he is my best effort at explaining - and it takes a bit of doing, so here goes.

There are many fractionalized groups in this (or any other) country with seemingly “diverse” goals and objectives. Eco-feminists, anarchists, anti-globalists, La Raza and the Atzlan Movement, environmental extremists, radical gay & lesbian activists, Black Nationalists, Code Pink - ists, Marxist-Leninists, pro-pedophila (NAMBLA), anti-war activists, the “all-sex-is-rape crowd, and on and on. Seems a lot of groups around that all have different axes to grind... it seems. But there is one corrosive thread that runs through all of them. They all share a common hatred of what they call “white skin privilege”. What does this really mean?

Actually, it’s fairly simple. All these groups believe that white, European, Christian male culture has “oppressed’ them, over the millennia. And like their Marxist-Leninist brethren, they have learned to use the dialectic to argue their point, but like all practitioners of dialectics (who can argue that the law of gravity is a capitalist fraud), their arguments are just more tedious drivel.

That’s why these people give -
• Islam / Middle Eastern
• China
• Africa (except Israel, which is a white conspiracy)
• Russia (non-white white people - oppressed folks ya know)
• Any non-Christian, therefore non-European religion (despite the fact that, geographically, Christianity is an Eastern religion)
• Eskimos
• Native Americans (you know Indians... it’s OK for me to use that term because I am 1/4 Choctaw)
• All of South (“Latin” - how ironic!) America
• Anyone who hates the West, America, Europe (ESPECIALLY self-hating Europeans!).
gets a pass. A pass on anything, no matter how heinous... blowing up women and children as a deliberate tactic, mutilating women, slavery, piracy, kidnapping narco-terrorism, illegal immigration (it's human right ya know), random murder... you get the idea.

Now, do they all work together, like the Big Oil Companies? Do they gather together to conspire against us like Bill Gates and the Coven of 13 does every Halloween, at the Lord Mayor of London’s house to receive their orders from SATAN! Hmmmmm, well no, I don’t think so.

But their mutual derangement springs from the same fount, so therein lies the relationship - Most intellectuals like to find ways of joining in the struggle of the weak against the strong. So they hope that their particular gifts and competences can be made relevant to that struggle. The term most frequently used in recent decades to formulate this hope is "critique of ideology.", deconstruction being the preferred term / method of late, a method of literary and social critique that originated in France in the mid-20th century. and based on a theory that, by the very nature of language and usage, no text can have a fixed, coherent meaning. Since nothing has any meaning, anything goes. No evil, no good, no nuthin’. Do your own thing, all over everybody. If you're going to San Francisco...

Years ago, when I worked at Computer Sciences Corporation, at one of our lunchtime “how to save the world” bull sessions. I asked (to no one in particular) why a politician would deliberately want anarchy... to what purpose, as a tool of change or whatever. I was genuinely confused about it: history is replete with deliberate incitement of anarchy, and it never seems to turn out well. Ken Beale, turned to me, without batting an eye and said -”because when you have anarchy, everyone - and I mean everyone - has a shot at power.. That’s why. French Revolution, Russian Revolution, all the same. You have a period of wild-ass anarchy, followed by a totalitarian dictatorship. You end up with Napoleon or Stalin.”

So the objective is anarchy - because they all want that shot at power, not as a utopian system, which would be unworkable due to the vagaries of human nature. And this will be the ultimate undoing of the present incarnation of the Democrat party, if they don’t get their own act together. They will get the anarchy that they will claim they want, in order to keep hold onto the ever more fractionalized base. But if it comes, the fractionalized base will turn on them, then turn on each other.

Or maybe not. Maybe we, as a nation, will muddle though this mess and get through more or less OK. But we will be changed by it. How we are changed is up to us, the middle 60%.

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