Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Why I hate everyone I went to high school with..

Why I hate everyone I went to high school with..
  • People bullied me for no apparent reason.
  • A rumor has been going around about me the last 36 years that is not true and people that I don't even talk to, believe it and it really makes me mad!
  • so much relationship/friendship drama
  • some of the teachers are more fun then helpful
  • the rich kids lorded it over the poor kids...guess where I was?
  • class warfare - 38 years later, class warfare
  • Graduation day was easily one of the happiest days of my life...and a week before, I received death threats at my home.
  • the girls were evil and self centered and mean and hateful and cruel. They guys were just nasty..
  • The jocks and preps who thought I was weak AND stupid, even though I lettered in two sports with 7 total medals in 3 years at the state championships. JESUS GOD!
  • the teachers at my school were nothing more than glorified prison guards and it wasn't till i left school that i began to start learning
  • I have never been to a single one of my high school reunions. There are two main reasons:

    First of all, I can't stand the thought of the people who made my life a living you-know-what coming up to me and saying, "Oh, remember all the GOOD times we had?" like nothing happened.

    Second, I've had people (my own sister, for one) tell me that I should go to see "who got fat and bald". That is not my idea of enjoyment. I don't get jollies from other people's misery (and who's to say that they ARE miserable? Maybe they're fat, bald and happy - and all the best to them).

    I graduated with close to 1,000 kids - I keep in touch with less than 5.

  • To be concise and clear, I have spent the last 30+ years trying to improve myself. i got the DOD to send me back to school twice - for a BSEE, then to the Naval War College, where I got my PhD in Economic History (you had to back in the '80s to get promoted). Then I persuaded an employer to pay for my M.B.A. and you know what? It doesn't matter one whit to those self-absorbed morons - they still (we're all @ 52yo) talk to me like I'm something they scraped off their shoe. I'm not one of the "special people", and never will be, and I don't know what possessed me to make contact with those assholes again
Just goes to show how wrong you can be....

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