Tuesday, July 10, 2007

My last rant on Live Earth -

Actually I enjoyed the Crowded House set from Sydney. They played "Something So Strong" and "Don't Dream it's Over" and were terrific. Neil Finn is a pop genius.

Now on to Mr.. Urban. Keith Urban is a disgusting loserboy. He is obviously a mid-tempo rocker (a la Bryan Adams for the "80s) who couldn't make in Australia. Then he hit on the idea of moving here, going to Nashville and pitching his sappy-crappy sensitive guy music to Acuff-Rose, et al, and added a fiddle here, a banjo there, maybe a steel guitar and BANGO mate! You've got country music, but the player is from Down Under. What a great marketing gimmick! He goes on to have one-hit-a-week success, then he commits the unpardonable sin...he marries Nicole Kidman. I want to kill him. Slowly. Painfully. I did not care for this man: until Saturday.

I had the TV droning in the background while straightening the apt up, washing dishes etc and then I heard the opening chord sequence to "Gimme Shelter" the Rolling Stones classic. The Stones? I walked into the living room and there was Mr.. Urban and his mates just WAILING on this song, and then...Alicia Keyes jumped in on the second verse! I almost fainted! In a day of mediocre to outright terrible performances, this was a solid gem.

Here is the YouTube link, check it out yourself. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tupFJbriRk I downloaded it using the YouTube downloader. I've watched it @ 30 times and it hasn't lost it's power. Obviously Mr.. Urban broke though Saturday, and if he can crank stuff like this out, he just won a fan - BTW, there was quick shot of Nicole in a green and white beach dress and a big floppy yellow hat; to protect her alabaster skin, lest she burst into flames. At that point, I did pass out.

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